Friday, July 15, 2011

Old and New

The two images you see here were done about two years apart. The lower drawing was done first while the top was done second. I had NO intention of matching the poses of these two characters. It kind of happened on coincidence. Its interesting when you look back at old work and see the similarities of your new stuff. I might have to consider making a series of characters in this same pose and see what kind of different solutions I come up with. Experimentation with randomization...always fun.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's Good To See You Too Left-Hand...

So, as you remember from the last post...I had "artist block". Yes, it is real, and it does have effects. For me, it enters my life when I feel something is "missing". The truth is that nothing is really missing at all. I'm just looking for the next best thing for me to experience.

My experience came when I picked up the pencil and did nothing I was supposed to. It was like someone slapped my thoughts in check, which left a bolting bruise where my creativity slithered back in. That caused me to draw this...

Funny thing is...I was attempting to draw a tree. Yeah, a plain ol' Boston Commons tree. So my mind dwindled and did something completely different. As you can see this is also a work in progress. I still have a bunch of segments to finish since I got so caught up on the head of the creature. You can kind of see how I started this just from the contour lines around it. Be on the lookout for more!
